“I would be thrilled to have dinner with J. R. R. Tolkien. His work was introduced to me in early childhood and had a significant influence on my life. I’d love to discuss his books, share my journey of discovering his work, and explore the meanings behind his stories.”

Anton Suhanov’s designs go beyond traditional watchmaking boundaries by incorporating intricate mechanisms often inspired by unconventional ideas. One of his most notable creations features a multi-axis tourbillon that mimics the orbit of celestial bodies, blending technical prowess with artistic creativity. His watches often combine whimsical elements with mechanical depth, resulting in intellectually stimulating and visually striking creations. Anton’s signature approach lies in transforming complex engineering challenges into visually captivating experiences where the mechanics tell a story.

Since establishing his brand in 2018, Anton has focused on creating watches that not only showcase high technical precision but also reflect a strong narrative, making them stand out in a crowded independent watchmaking scene. Whether it’s a unique jumping hour complication or a watch that integrates optical illusions, Anton’s creations challenge conventional expectations and offer collectors an entirely new way to appreciate horology.

His journey from leading design at Konstantin Chaykin to founding his own company has made him a figure to watch, particularly for those interested in how traditional watchmaking techniques can be reinterpreted through innovative technology and imaginative storytelling.

2016 Winner