“Le Monde des Automates, written by Alfred Chapuis and Edouard Gélis, explains the evolution of automatons, and I’m passionate about automatons. So, it’s my favourite book, and I like to say it inspires my work.”

Raúl Pagès is an independent Swiss watchmaker based in Les Brenets, Switzerland, specialising in movement design and restoration. Raúl’s foray into watchmaking started with his apprenticeship at the Le Locle school of watchmaking from 1998 to 2002. Building upon his experience, Raúl completed two diplomas, the first in antique watch and clock restoration in 2004 and the second in watchmaking design and conception in 2006. These achievements laid the foundation for his career, during which he honed his craft at Parmigiani Fleurier, eventually leading their restoration workshop.

In 2012, Raúl established his workshop, where he created the iconic Tortue automaton, a masterpiece entirely handmade from 352 components. Building on this experience, he introduced his first wristwatch, the Soberly Onyx, in 2016, a limited series of just ten pieces. Raúl’s approach to horology seamlessly blends tradition with innovation, allowing him to create watches that resonate with historical significance and contemporary artistry.

Raúl recently garnered significant acclaim by winning the Louis Vuitton Fabrique du Temps award for independent artisans with his Régulateur à détente RP1. Equipped with a newly developed calibre featuring a pivoted detent escapement, a mechanism revered for its mechanical efficiency and precision.

Watch Prize for Independent Creatives
Régulateur à Détente RP1